Blog #3

The earthquake was the February 27th, is was on Saturday down and I was sleeping. When I felt it I thougth that is was going to be really soft but then it did not stop and it became more severe. Then I had to sit in my bed and from the other bethroom my grandmother was screaming at me that I must not leave the bethroom, but I was not planning on to do that.
When the earthquake finally stopped, I stood up and put my shoes on. I started walking around the house and I could see glasses everywhere. And I thought that was the reason of the sound during the tremor. Then I went to see my dog, he was on the backyard. I let him get in and then I started talking with my family about what has just happened. I turned on the radio of the car to heard about the situation but no one was transmiting at the time. So I waited until the sun came out and then I went to bed. I was worry about my boyfriend because he lives in Concepción and I was not abble to contact him. I could only talk to him like three almost four days after the disaster.
I wanted to help so I went to several institutions and I left food and personal hygiene products. I also wanted to donate blood but I realized I couldn't because of my health problems. After all happened I learnt that I should not leave things unsaid, value every moment and every person. Besides to be prepared for any similar event like the one we lived that day.

Session 2

Well, I decided to became a midwife the day I went to the "Expo novato" of University of Chile, just before I apply to this University. I fell in love with obstretics that day in the morning when I heard a teacher talking about it.

Then, I had to wait the results and when I saw them, I notice that I was not selected. But still I could study veterinary. I decided not to register and wait for the "waiting list". I have to wait a lot but I was lucky enough to get in in that oportunity.

Now that I am actually studing it, I love it even more. And I think the most important role of the midwife is to guide the woman on the period of gestation, delivery and all the period that she is sexually active.

I expect to be a very good midwife, someone who they can rely on and someone who can help them all the time they need. And also I want to specialize in neonatology, help all those babies and take care of them. I hope I can make it and I can wait to start doing it very soon.

Session One.

My name is Pamela Marisol Pradenas Venegas, I am nineteen years old and I live in Pudahuel (very near to Maipu). I live in a house with my grandparents, my mother and my dog. He is a small poddle and his name is Micky. He is really white and he gets dirty so easily. I finished highschool in 2008 and last year I entered university but I dropped out. And this year I enter University of chile, and now I am studing obstetrics and I really love it. I am in a relationship right now and I love my boyfriend, but we don´t see each other very much =(. I'm loving my life right now :D
