My favorite subject :D

My favorite subject about obstetrics is Nursing foundations, the things that we learn there are about nursing. The teachers made a teorical class and then they make us practice the things we learnt there. I have this class only once a week, the Tuesdays in the afternoon.

I really like it because the teachers that do the classes are midwifes and I never get bored when they talk. Besides they always told us a lot of stories and when I am in the class I always feel that I learn something new.

After they teach us the teorical part they split the class, they take us to different classrooms and then they talk a little bit more about the lecture, they make sure we understand everything and make us practice the things they taught us in the class. Until now They have taught us how to take the pressure, the temperature, the pulse and how to examine the newborn and the adult.

I think this subject is very important because the things we learn there are the things that we are going to be doing every second at work and we can not do it wrong. And for the other hand I really like practical classes specially this one and I would like that we had this class more than just once a week.

Session Four.

Well, I really like facebook's website. At first I did not like it and I did not want to create an account, but then It was so popular that I finally created one to see what was all about . That was the moment I became addicted to it.

At the beggining, I used to make a lot of multiple-choice type, but then I used it to comunicate with my friends. Then I discover the games that it has and I could not stop playing them. Even last year I prefered to be online on it and play rather than study or do my homework. But now, I can not even play. Is kind of sad but not that much. This year, when we started the classes I did not have time to even check the website. Now I feel so stressed all the time that I make time for playing just to release that stress. So now I can say that I check the website every night, I play a little (not all the games I used to play) and then I go to bed and fall sleep.

This is the link:, you can use the website to find people that you know but the only way to contact them is having an account. Also you can let everyone know what are you doingor what are you thinking, you can chat with friends, joing groups, play games like I said before and almost do everything that you want.