Final blog!

Well my blogging experience have been fine but I must say that at the beggining I like doing the blog more than now but only because I were less stressed and I had to do less things than now. I also like this experience because I learnt how to create a blog, wich is somethings that I really wanted to do for a long time and pimp it out was really fun.

How I said before I enjoy writing a blog until I did not have a lot time to study for my other courses so I had to chose if I want to came to English or study for another things like exams or presentations. I did not like either that I had to travel for one place (the north faculty) to other just to came here to have English and for that reason lose a lot of time (time that I did not have) to study, that was really inconvenient.

One of the things that I could notice is that actually writting the blog really help me with my English, I do not know if I learnt something new but it helped me with my vocabulary and being more conscious of tenses and when to use them. And I also practice how to keep using them in a sentence without changin the appropriate tense.

I think the advantages of blogging in the English Class is that I did not have to do it in my home, so that was a plus. As a result of writting the blog here I did not have to use my personal time or the little time I had to study to do it, so that was even better. And like I said before, doing this helped me with my English, wich is very good. And the disadvantages of writting it in here is that sometimes I was really tired to write it so it took much longer to finish it. Or sometimes It was hard start writting because I did not know what to say. And the last disadvantages is that sometimes I lost concentration because I started to look some things in the internet and that made harder to finish the blog too.

Perfect Job *

My perfect job that I would like to have now that I am studying Obstetrics is working in Neonatology, taking care of new borns and helping them so they can go home and be with their parents sooner.

But my dream job would be flight attendant, I always dream about being in other countries and know other language so I thought that could be the perfect job for me. Last year I consider a lot that idea, specially when I knew my english teacher at the university and someone told me that she was a flight attendant a long time a go. So then I asked her how was her life and how did she did to get that job, she told me what she has done and then she gave me some advice. I was extremely excited about it but unfortunately I never send my CV because I think I was scared of being dismiss. Besides that no one really thought that I actually could do it and also they thought that if i was accepted I was going to chicken out so I never felt one hundred percent support .

If one day I get the chance to be a flight attendant, I would like to work travelling for example to Europe, USA, Africa, some places like that. And I would like to do that every and non-stop day. I think if that was the case my boss would be an airline like LAN and I probably my working hours would be very long. Unfortunately I think that I will never get the chance to aplly for that job again and besides I think that my family would not be ready to be apart for me, moreover with that kind of job having a family on my own would be really hard even more than if I work as a neonatologist.