Well my blogging experience have been fine but I must say that at the beggining I like doing the blog more than now but only because I were less stressed and I had to do less things than now. I also like this experience because I learnt how to create a blog, wich is somethings that I really wanted to do for a long time and pimp it out was really fun.
How I said before I enjoy writing a blog until I did not have a lot time to study for my other courses so I had to chose if I want to came to English or study for another things like exams or presentations. I did not like either that I had to travel for one place (the north faculty) to other just to came here to have English and for that reason lose a lot of time (time that I did not have) to study, that was really inconvenient.
One of the things that I could notice is that actually writting the blog really help me with my English, I do not know if I learnt something new but it helped me with my vocabulary and being more conscious of tenses and when to use them. And I also practice how to keep using them in a sentence without changin the appropriate tense.
I think the advantages of blogging in the English Class is that I did not have to do it in my home, so that was a plus. As a result of writting the blog here I did not have to use my personal time or the little time I had to study to do it, so that was even better. And like I said before, doing this helped me with my English, wich is very good. And the disadvantages of writting it in here is that sometimes I was really tired to write it so it took much longer to finish it. Or sometimes It was hard start writting because I did not know what to say. And the last disadvantages is that sometimes I lost concentration because I started to look some things in the internet and that made harder to finish the blog too.
Long Hols!
14 years ago
Well my blogging experience have been fine but I must say that at the beggining I like doing the blog more than now but only because I were less stressed and I had to do less things than now. I also like this experience because I learnt how to create a blog, SP wich is somethings that I really wanted to do for a long time and pimp it out was really fun.
WW BHow I said before I enjoy writing a blog until I did not have a lot time to study for my other courses so I had to chose if I want to WF came to English or study for another things like exams or presentations. I did not like either that I had to travel for one place (the north faculty) to other just to came here to have English and for that reason TENSE lose a lot of time (time that I did not have) to study, that was really inconvenient.
One of the things that I could notice is that actually writting the blog really SVA help me with my English, I do not know if I learnt something new but it helped me with my vocabulary and being more conscious of tenses and when to use them. And I also practice how to keep using them in a sentence without changin the appropriate tense.
I think the advantages of blogging in the English Class is that I did not have to do it in my home, so that was a plus. As a result of writting the blog here I did not have to use my personal time or the little time I had to study to do it, so that was even better. And like I said before, doing this helped me with my English, wich is very good. And the disadvantages of writting it in here is that sometimes I was really tired to write it so it took much longer to finish it. Or sometimes It was hard start writting because I did not know what to say. And the last disadvantages is that sometimes I lost concentration because I started to look some things in the internet and that made harder to finish the blog too.
well I think the distance incoviennet would be the most difficult.
I enjoyed reading your blog!
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