Hello! Today I have to do another blog and I had to choose the topic.. At first I did not know about what to write and after thinking a lot I decided to write about my favorite Tv series. Since I started to watch cable television I have seen a lot Tv series. I liked to watch all the series I could, because then I could decide which one I liked the most and the ones I wanted to keep watching. I remember that at first I had two favorites’ series, and these were: "Everwood" and "Gilmore girls".
The first one was about a doctor that had moved to the country with his two children. His son had a lot of trouble to adapt but finally he made a friend and he was happy again. But unfortunately his friend dies in a car accident and he became more introverted than before and he always wanted to come back to his old house in the city. so his father (the doctor) have to deal with that situation all the time. I really liked the series even when it was really sad but I always missed because I was in school. The other series was about a single mom and his daughter. The mother came from a rich family and she had become pregnant when she was sixteen. The father of the baby came from a rich family too so they did not have money problems but their parents were concerned about what people would think about. So they figure a plan: both would have to get married. The father of the baby wanted but not the mom, so she refuses to do it and she left her house, start working and raise her daughter by herself.
Now I have a new favorite series, it is called “Grey’s anatomy” and is about residents working and learning in a hospital, her life there and out of medicine, their personal problems and professional too.
I would tell you more but I already reach the number of words I had to write, so maybe in the future I will continue :) Goodbye! :D
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