What I think is important in education, specially in my education now that I am in the University studying something that I really love is that the teachers know and prepare the material they are going to present to us and also they devote time to explain and make clear what are they talking about. I think is important too that the teachers put in the students position.67 Moreover I would like that besides the information about the courses they teach us they could also told us things about the real life. And because I decided to study obstetrics, teachers should also pass on their knowledge about how to teach other people about the things is important they know.
In the future I will have to teach my pacients about some topics too for example, pregnancy, birth control, methods of contraception, breastfeeding, etc. and I hope that I could do it right because I do not know if later in my career someone is going to tell me "Look this is how you should say this to a pacient" or "this is the way you should approach when you talk with them". I also hope that I do not make the same mistakes that I feel my teachers have make with me. And I think if I do it right teaching my pacients about topics and about prevention we could avoid a lot of future problems like sexually transmitted diseases, lack of attachment, abortion, unwanted pregnancy, etc. and maybe we could have a better world.
Long Hols!
14 years ago
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