
Well, when i used to think about the University of Chile I thought that It was a good university, with good teachers and also thought about the people that study in there, about them I used to thought that I was going to find posh people (but not that much how I expected to find in other University) they are the people who think are better than others just because they have money and also I thought that I was going to find a lot of blond people.

About the first stereotype I actually have not seen any of those people, I can not say that there are not in the faculty but for what I have seen and the people I have met I have not felt like they think are more superior than me. And about the other stereotype I have not seen a lot of those people either and I am glad that no one have make me feel awkward or anything like that just for not being like them.

What I actually have seen is other stereotype, one that many people aware me about it. That stereotype is the nerds, I never thought that I was going to find so many people like that. They are the ones that study all day and they kind of boring and boring to
hangout with them. And I feel that I do not belong to any of those stereotypes I just try to be me all the time.


Well, when i used to think about the University of Chile I thought that It was a good university, with good teachers and also thought about the people that study in there, about them I used to thought that I was going to find posh people (but not that much how I expected to find in other University) they are the people who think are better than others just because they have money and also I thought that I was going to find a lot of blond people.

About the first stereotype I actually have not seen any of those people, I can not say that there are not in the faculty but for what I have seen and the people I have met I have not felt like they think are more superior than me. And about the other stereotype I have not seen a lot of those people either and I am glad that no one SVA have make me feel awkward or anything like that just for not being like them.

What I actually have seen is other stereotype, one that many people aware me about it. That stereotype is the nerds, I never thought that I was going to find so many people like that. They are the ones that study all day and they kind of boring and boring to hangout with them. And I feel that I do not belong to any of those stereotypes I just try to be me all the time.

so there are too many geeks? really? well don't think that's too bad, maybe a bit competitive..


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