Dealing with stress at University *

Hi everyone =) Are you kidding me? I think all my classmates know of what this topic is about! I mean, obstetricians are the most stressed students of the Medicine Faculty.. And I am not just saying this just because, I know this is a FACT! Everybody knows it! Since I entered to the university I have been stressed, I do not remember have felt like this before, my life have changed a lot. I never have time to go out, to talk with my friends and when I do is all about the university or we end up talking with scientific, anatomical, physiological, etc. terms. Is like everywhere I look I see something that has to do with university! This thing took control of my life and I certainly do not like it!

The RAE define stress as: “Tensión provocada por situaciones agobiantes que originan reacciones psicosomáticas o trastornos psicológicos a veces graves.” In English it would be something as: “Stress caused by overwhelming situations that cause psychological or psychosomatic reactions sometimes severe”. Well the University by itself is already overwhelming, if you add to that the situation that Midwifery students have to deal with the "curricular innovation" and moreover you do not have good study habits, have little knowledge of scientific subjects you always going to be more stressed because all the study never will be enough, you are going to be always at the edge of failing your courses. This is exactly my case! So imagine how I feel.

The stress is a part of my life now and is not a good feeling. This situation even brought a lot of problems to my personal life, especially with my family and the people around me. I am more irritable, I get upset very easily and I am always fighting over little things. So I hope this year end very quickly but not too much so I can be able to study everything I need to know for my exams and pass all my courses. My way to deal with it? Very simple: Wrestling!

This is all I have to say about stress at university, enjoy!


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