I think the answer for the question “Is it possible to have a healthy lifestyle” is definitely YES! The difficult part is start doing it and keep that kind of lifestyle. When I heard the title for this blog I instantly thought in diet and exercise. Lately I started doing both, and when I used to start diets I always drop them and with exercise was the same thing but this time it has been different. I am very happy with that so I will tell you my history.
Everything started after the “Fiestas Patrias” when I decided that I was going to start doing a diet. At first it was hard but now I get used to the diet and I like it. Every morning I drink a cup of tee and eat a piece of bread, then at the middle of the day I eat a yoghurt and at lunchtime I eat a plate with a lot and different types of salads. Then when I get home I drink another cup of tee and at dinner time I eat my grandmother’s food and that is it for the rest of the day. I know if a nutritionist saw that it would say that is wrong but it is working for me so I am going to continue with that.
I also knew that I need it to do exercise but I never like doing that, I think is so boring and each time I started doing it I always quit but like two weeks ago I remember that I have seen a sport that I really love and always wanted to do it so I start looking where I could practice it, and last weekend I finally start to practice wrestling and I fell in love with it again so I can not wait to be weekend again.
I hope all this sacrifice help me to achieve my goal. That’s my history and I really happy with it.
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