My experience learning English *

Hello, I think this is the final blog or at least I'm really hoping that it is. I am not feeling good today, I hate this kind of weather, I am having a headache, I am in a bad mood and I do not want to do this assignment so if you do not find this blog very interesting I would understand.

The topic for today's blog is: "My experience learning English". This is almost the same topic my English teacher I had last semester gave us to write the final blog. And like I said then, now I have not learnt a lot of new things either.

If I think really hard to say the things I learnt during this semester it would be some things like these:

With the blogs, I learnt vocabulary, how to write and how to spell some words but it was not too much because most of the time I used the words I already know.

In classes, we had different ways to learn. The teacher made us hear conversations, occasionally he taught us grammar, he showed us new words that have to do with medicine ambit but most of the time we had to do exercises where we had to complete the sentence or something like that. With these methods I personally did not learnt a lot of new things, maybe the most things I learnt in this course (this semester and the past) were vocabulary.

I do not remember another method our teacher used to teach us. Another aspect that could influence in my learning experience were my English classmates. I was lucky enough to trust in my English knowledge so I was not intimidated by them and besides they were really nice too and I already knew them.

I have to say that I did not enjoy the way the things with this course were. I think that writting the blogs in the house would be a good idea if you had not put classes in the time we used to do the blog.

Another thing I did not like was that we had a lot of days were we didn't do a lot of productive things in classes and at the end of the course we had in every class an evaluated activity.

I hope you consider these points and make a better and improve English course next year. With nothing more to say.. Goodbye!

My favorite series *

Hello! Today I have to do another blog and I had to choose the topic.. At first I did not know about what to write and after thinking a lot I decided to write about my favorite Tv series. Since I started to watch cable television I have seen a lot Tv series. I liked to watch all the series I could, because then I could decide which one I liked the most and the ones I wanted to keep watching. I remember that at first I had two favorites’ series, and these were: "Everwood" and "Gilmore girls".

The first one was about a doctor that had moved to the country with his two children. His son had a lot of trouble to adapt but finally he made a friend and he was happy again. But unfortunately his friend dies in a car accident and he became more introverted than before and he always wanted to come back to his old house in the city. so his father (the doctor) have to deal with that situation all the time. I really liked the series even when it was really sad but I always missed because I was in school. The other series was about a single mom and his daughter. The mother came from a rich family and she had become pregnant when she was sixteen. The father of the baby came from a rich family too so they did not have money problems but their parents were concerned about what people would think about. So they figure a plan: both would have to get married. The father of the baby wanted but not the mom, so she refuses to do it and she left her house, start working and raise her daughter by herself.

Now I have a new favorite series, it is called “Grey’s anatomy” and is about residents working and learning in a hospital, her life there and out of medicine, their personal problems and professional too.

I would tell you more but I already reach the number of words I had to write, so maybe in the future I will continue :) Goodbye! :D

My favority topic *

Hi everyone! I was thinking on skipping this assignment but then I found a really great topic I want to talk of =) That “topic” is.. My boyfriend!

We met back in 2007, now I remember how but I will not tell you, I want to keep it in private. At the beginning we did not talk too much, then we became friends, we talk every day, he always made me laugh and I still love that of him. Then we felt an attraction for each other but we never give the step to be something more than friends, I guess we were to afraid to lose our friendship. But one day (February the seven of 2008) we realized that it was mutual so he asks me if I wanted to be her girlfriend and I said yes without a doubt. I was really happy because I was waiting for that to happen for a long time.

From that day we had to wait two months and days to see each other. You may found that weird.. Well I should have started saying this: My boyfriend lives in Concepción and I am from Santiago so it is really complicated for us to see each other.

We have had ups and downs, but in the end one way or another we have been together. Today we celebrate that we have been together for 2 years and seven months. If you count we should have more time together but last year we broke up (one of the downs). It was really sad but I think our relationship became stronger.

My boyfriend has been in my life for a long time now. He has been with me in very important moments, happy and sad. I love the way he makes me feel, the way he treats me and the way he loves me.

This weekend we have been together and it was great, like always! Well maybe it was even better!

My boyfriend's name is Danilo and I absolutely LOVE him!

Dealing with stress at University *

Hi everyone =) Are you kidding me? I think all my classmates know of what this topic is about! I mean, obstetricians are the most stressed students of the Medicine Faculty.. And I am not just saying this just because, I know this is a FACT! Everybody knows it! Since I entered to the university I have been stressed, I do not remember have felt like this before, my life have changed a lot. I never have time to go out, to talk with my friends and when I do is all about the university or we end up talking with scientific, anatomical, physiological, etc. terms. Is like everywhere I look I see something that has to do with university! This thing took control of my life and I certainly do not like it!

The RAE define stress as: “Tensión provocada por situaciones agobiantes que originan reacciones psicosomáticas o trastornos psicológicos a veces graves.” In English it would be something as: “Stress caused by overwhelming situations that cause psychological or psychosomatic reactions sometimes severe”. Well the University by itself is already overwhelming, if you add to that the situation that Midwifery students have to deal with the "curricular innovation" and moreover you do not have good study habits, have little knowledge of scientific subjects you always going to be more stressed because all the study never will be enough, you are going to be always at the edge of failing your courses. This is exactly my case! So imagine how I feel.

The stress is a part of my life now and is not a good feeling. This situation even brought a lot of problems to my personal life, especially with my family and the people around me. I am more irritable, I get upset very easily and I am always fighting over little things. So I hope this year end very quickly but not too much so I can be able to study everything I need to know for my exams and pass all my courses. My way to deal with it? Very simple: Wrestling!

This is all I have to say about stress at university, enjoy!

Brain and learning ! *

Today I am going to talk about the paper “Understanding the brain: The birth of a learning science”, particularly about the chapter six: “Dispelling ‘Neuromyths’”. The chapter talks about myths in Neuroscience, and I found very interesting the topics the chapter talks about but specially one caught my attention. Is a myth that I always believe it was true and that I heard a lot of people talking about it. The author gives the myth in the text the following name “But I read somewhere that we only use 10% of our brains”.

The text talk how the myth came, and the hypothesis they give is that it came from Einstein, I am sure you are wondering how could that be and the answer is that he was the first person to say he use only the ten percent of his brain and that research supported this.

The experiment they did to prove the myth was this: They used electric shocks to see which areas react and how they could not see the react they said that those areas were not functional.

Another origin of the myth could have emerged for the composition of the brain. The glial cells are the ones “feed” neurons but they can not transmit the nerve impulse. And besides there in 10 glial cells for 1 neuron so some people thought that this would explain how the “ten percent myth” has come from.

Now in our days there are new techniques to watch this, scientists know more about the composition of the brain so they did a new experiment in patients with local anaesthetic and they saw how all the areas of the brain were active. And they also said that for physiological reasons evolution would not let us waste 90% of our brain.

And that was the end of the myth. When I was reading I really thought the second origin of the myths I told you could be true, but when I read the last experiment I ended up believing that it was false! but it was interesting to know that not everything the people say is true.

A Healthy Lifestyle *

I think the answer for the question “Is it possible to have a healthy lifestyle” is definitely YES! The difficult part is start doing it and keep that kind of lifestyle. When I heard the title for this blog I instantly thought in diet and exercise. Lately I started doing both, and when I used to start diets I always drop them and with exercise was the same thing but this time it has been different. I am very happy with that so I will tell you my history.

Everything started after the “Fiestas Patrias” when I decided that I was going to start doing a diet. At first it was hard but now I get used to the diet and I like it. Every morning I drink a cup of tee and eat a piece of bread, then at the middle of the day I eat a yoghurt and at lunchtime I eat a plate with a lot and different types of salads. Then when I get home I drink another cup of tee and at dinner time I eat my grandmother’s food and that is it for the rest of the day. I know if a nutritionist saw that it would say that is wrong but it is working for me so I am going to continue with that.

I also knew that I need it to do exercise but I never like doing that, I think is so boring and each time I started doing it I always quit but like two weeks ago I remember that I have seen a sport that I really love and always wanted to do it so I start looking where I could practice it, and last weekend I finally start to practice wrestling and I fell in love with it again so I can not wait to be weekend again.

I hope all this sacrifice help me to achieve my goal. That’s my history and I really happy with it.

My Best Childhood Memories *

This time I have to talk about my favorite childhood memory and when the teacher told the topic I realized that I could not remember a lot of things, but then when I start thinking harder I remember one thing that I loved. That is Christmas!! I always love that holiday specially when I was I child, but that is not the memory I want to tell you but it has to do with that. Every 24th at night (Christmas Eve) my cousins and I wait for Santa Claus so our relatives always took us to see houses that were like near for were I used to live with my grandparents. We always went there because in those houses they put a lot of lights and figures so it was really beautiful to watch, I always remember that. Then when I moved from that house I stopped going there and years after I asked my grandfather what happened with that place and he said that it seems like they stop doing that and it was very sad to know.

Other memories that I can think of (and I can remember) is that when I was little and I live in my other house we have a lot of fruit trees and it was so big that with my mom we had to climb them to pick their fruit, and I remember that I loved that! It was so exciting!! Other memories are that I used to have a doll house, It was bigger than me then so I could go in there and stay there with my dolls, it was fun and that house is one of the things I missed a lot when I came to my actual house.

After this assignment I realized that all of my best childhood memories happened in my old house so I think that explained why I want to come back.

[ Here we go again ] My favorite.. Movie *

If I had to choose I will say that my favorite movie is "The Notebook" or "Diario de una pasión". The movie is lively in the 40’ and it tells the story about a young couple. The young girl comes from a wealthy family and the young boy comes from a poor family but they are hard-working.

The young boy lives in the country and he meets the girl when she goes to spend the summer vacation there. Because of the girl’s parents they can not be together and before the summer ends she leaves the town to return to her house. The boy ends with his heart broken and he writes the girl 365 letters for a year, without an answer he decide to leave the girl alone. Both keep with their lives but they never really forget each other. The years pass, the girl is going to marry another man but she sees a photograph from the boy and she decides to go to the little town and see him. There they revive their feelings and she finally decides to stay there and live with his summer romance that ends up in a marriage with three children.

I love this movie because I had always thought that the boy and the girl are really similar to my boyfriend and me. And it might sound stupid but I think that if they could make their love last we can too. I watch this movie every time I can and I totally recommend it.

Final blog!

Well my blogging experience have been fine but I must say that at the beggining I like doing the blog more than now but only because I were less stressed and I had to do less things than now. I also like this experience because I learnt how to create a blog, wich is somethings that I really wanted to do for a long time and pimp it out was really fun.

How I said before I enjoy writing a blog until I did not have a lot time to study for my other courses so I had to chose if I want to came to English or study for another things like exams or presentations. I did not like either that I had to travel for one place (the north faculty) to other just to came here to have English and for that reason lose a lot of time (time that I did not have) to study, that was really inconvenient.

One of the things that I could notice is that actually writting the blog really help me with my English, I do not know if I learnt something new but it helped me with my vocabulary and being more conscious of tenses and when to use them. And I also practice how to keep using them in a sentence without changin the appropriate tense.

I think the advantages of blogging in the English Class is that I did not have to do it in my home, so that was a plus. As a result of writting the blog here I did not have to use my personal time or the little time I had to study to do it, so that was even better. And like I said before, doing this helped me with my English, wich is very good. And the disadvantages of writting it in here is that sometimes I was really tired to write it so it took much longer to finish it. Or sometimes It was hard start writting because I did not know what to say. And the last disadvantages is that sometimes I lost concentration because I started to look some things in the internet and that made harder to finish the blog too.

Perfect Job *

My perfect job that I would like to have now that I am studying Obstetrics is working in Neonatology, taking care of new borns and helping them so they can go home and be with their parents sooner.

But my dream job would be flight attendant, I always dream about being in other countries and know other language so I thought that could be the perfect job for me. Last year I consider a lot that idea, specially when I knew my english teacher at the university and someone told me that she was a flight attendant a long time a go. So then I asked her how was her life and how did she did to get that job, she told me what she has done and then she gave me some advice. I was extremely excited about it but unfortunately I never send my CV because I think I was scared of being dismiss. Besides that no one really thought that I actually could do it and also they thought that if i was accepted I was going to chicken out so I never felt one hundred percent support .

If one day I get the chance to be a flight attendant, I would like to work travelling for example to Europe, USA, Africa, some places like that. And I would like to do that every and non-stop day. I think if that was the case my boss would be an airline like LAN and I probably my working hours would be very long. Unfortunately I think that I will never get the chance to aplly for that job again and besides I think that my family would not be ready to be apart for me, moreover with that kind of job having a family on my own would be really hard even more than if I work as a neonatologist.

My favorite picture =)

My favorite picture (that I can think of now) is very old, I think is was taken like seventeen or sixteen years ago. I do not know who took it but I suppose it was my mom. The only thing I am sure off is the place it was taken, we were in Algarrobo, in the beach. I was a child and I was with my grandfather. I do not know if is my imagination or if I actually remember that day, I think I remember what was happening in the picture, I almost sure that my grandfather wanted to do a hole in the sand (something that is really obvious if you look the picture) but the thing that I think I remember the most is me looking at the hole and because I was placing my hand in the sand I was actually throwing more sand in the hole so It was not very productive for my granfather. I think I like this picture because my grandfather look so young and healthy there, and also he looks really happy.
I had another picture that I really love but I could not upload it. Is a fountain place in a park in Santiago, I really like the picture because I remember the things I did that day and the things I felt. I was with my boyfriend and the picture was taken by me.


What I think is important in education, specially in my education now that I am in the University studying something that I really love is that the teachers know and prepare the material they are going to present to us and also they devote time to explain and make clear what are they talking about. I think is important too that the teachers put in the students position.67 Moreover I would like that besides the information about the courses they teach us they could also told us things about the real life. And because I decided to study obstetrics, teachers should also pass on their knowledge about how to teach other people about the things is important they know.

In the future I will have to teach my pacients about some topics too for example, pregnancy, birth control, methods of contraception, breastfeeding, etc. and I hope that I could do it right because I do not know if later in my career someone is going to tell me "Look this is how you should say this to a pacient" or "this is the way you should approach when you talk with them". I also hope that I do not make the same mistakes that I feel my teachers have make with me. And I think if I do it right teaching my pacients about topics and about prevention we could avoid a lot of future problems like sexually transmitted diseases, lack of attachment, abortion, unwanted pregnancy, etc. and maybe we could have a better world.


Well, when i used to think about the University of Chile I thought that It was a good university, with good teachers and also thought about the people that study in there, about them I used to thought that I was going to find posh people (but not that much how I expected to find in other University) they are the people who think are better than others just because they have money and also I thought that I was going to find a lot of blond people.

About the first stereotype I actually have not seen any of those people, I can not say that there are not in the faculty but for what I have seen and the people I have met I have not felt like they think are more superior than me. And about the other stereotype I have not seen a lot of those people either and I am glad that no one have make me feel awkward or anything like that just for not being like them.

What I actually have seen is other stereotype, one that many people aware me about it. That stereotype is the nerds, I never thought that I was going to find so many people like that. They are the ones that study all day and they kind of boring and boring to
hangout with them. And I feel that I do not belong to any of those stereotypes I just try to be me all the time.

My favorite subject :D

My favorite subject about obstetrics is Nursing foundations, the things that we learn there are about nursing. The teachers made a teorical class and then they make us practice the things we learnt there. I have this class only once a week, the Tuesdays in the afternoon.

I really like it because the teachers that do the classes are midwifes and I never get bored when they talk. Besides they always told us a lot of stories and when I am in the class I always feel that I learn something new.

After they teach us the teorical part they split the class, they take us to different classrooms and then they talk a little bit more about the lecture, they make sure we understand everything and make us practice the things they taught us in the class. Until now They have taught us how to take the pressure, the temperature, the pulse and how to examine the newborn and the adult.

I think this subject is very important because the things we learn there are the things that we are going to be doing every second at work and we can not do it wrong. And for the other hand I really like practical classes specially this one and I would like that we had this class more than just once a week.

Session Four.

Well, I really like facebook's website. At first I did not like it and I did not want to create an account, but then It was so popular that I finally created one to see what was all about . That was the moment I became addicted to it.

At the beggining, I used to make a lot of multiple-choice type, but then I used it to comunicate with my friends. Then I discover the games that it has and I could not stop playing them. Even last year I prefered to be online on it and play rather than study or do my homework. But now, I can not even play. Is kind of sad but not that much. This year, when we started the classes I did not have time to even check the website. Now I feel so stressed all the time that I make time for playing just to release that stress. So now I can say that I check the website every night, I play a little (not all the games I used to play) and then I go to bed and fall sleep.

This is the link:, you can use the website to find people that you know but the only way to contact them is having an account. Also you can let everyone know what are you doingor what are you thinking, you can chat with friends, joing groups, play games like I said before and almost do everything that you want.

Blog #3

The earthquake was the February 27th, is was on Saturday down and I was sleeping. When I felt it I thougth that is was going to be really soft but then it did not stop and it became more severe. Then I had to sit in my bed and from the other bethroom my grandmother was screaming at me that I must not leave the bethroom, but I was not planning on to do that.
When the earthquake finally stopped, I stood up and put my shoes on. I started walking around the house and I could see glasses everywhere. And I thought that was the reason of the sound during the tremor. Then I went to see my dog, he was on the backyard. I let him get in and then I started talking with my family about what has just happened. I turned on the radio of the car to heard about the situation but no one was transmiting at the time. So I waited until the sun came out and then I went to bed. I was worry about my boyfriend because he lives in Concepción and I was not abble to contact him. I could only talk to him like three almost four days after the disaster.
I wanted to help so I went to several institutions and I left food and personal hygiene products. I also wanted to donate blood but I realized I couldn't because of my health problems. After all happened I learnt that I should not leave things unsaid, value every moment and every person. Besides to be prepared for any similar event like the one we lived that day.

Session 2

Well, I decided to became a midwife the day I went to the "Expo novato" of University of Chile, just before I apply to this University. I fell in love with obstretics that day in the morning when I heard a teacher talking about it.

Then, I had to wait the results and when I saw them, I notice that I was not selected. But still I could study veterinary. I decided not to register and wait for the "waiting list". I have to wait a lot but I was lucky enough to get in in that oportunity.

Now that I am actually studing it, I love it even more. And I think the most important role of the midwife is to guide the woman on the period of gestation, delivery and all the period that she is sexually active.

I expect to be a very good midwife, someone who they can rely on and someone who can help them all the time they need. And also I want to specialize in neonatology, help all those babies and take care of them. I hope I can make it and I can wait to start doing it very soon.

Session One.

My name is Pamela Marisol Pradenas Venegas, I am nineteen years old and I live in Pudahuel (very near to Maipu). I live in a house with my grandparents, my mother and my dog. He is a small poddle and his name is Micky. He is really white and he gets dirty so easily. I finished highschool in 2008 and last year I entered university but I dropped out. And this year I enter University of chile, and now I am studing obstetrics and I really love it. I am in a relationship right now and I love my boyfriend, but we don´t see each other very much =(. I'm loving my life right now :D
